We are Hofmann-Global


Information according to § 5 TMG

Ibis - Ingenieurbüro für Instandhaltungs- und Schwingungsmess-Systeme GmbH

Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 21
64319 Pfungstadt

Represented by:
Jürgen Krause, Daniel Kircher



Phone: +49 6157 949-370
Fax: +49 6157 949-380
E-mail: info(at)ibis-gmbh.de


Sales tax:

Sales tax identification number pursuant to § 27 a of the German Sales Tax Act:



Responsible for the content according to § 55 para. 2 RStV:

Jürgen Krause

China Agency:


Ch-elephant Industrial Control Equipment
(Shanghai)CO., Ltd.
Yang Chen






Liability notice

Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

Basics of data storage according to Art. 5 Para. 1 DSGVO

The recording of customer and item data is carried out by an EDP, so the DSGVO and the BDSG also apply to IBIS GmbH.


The processing of the data is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject or company is a party and for the implementation of pre-contractual measures. It is necessary for the fulfilment of a legal obligation (contract) to which the company IBIS GmbH is subject (Art. 6 para. 1b para. 1c DSGVO).


By making an enquiry or placing an order with IBIS GmbH, consent is given to store and process the necessary data in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1a of the DSGVO.


Only the data necessary for careful order processing and for proper financial accounting are stored. Personal data is stored regarding the management and contact persons of the customers.


For this purpose, salutation, surname, first name, qualification, department, function, communication data (telephone, fax, email address) and gender are stored. Private addresses and personal characteristics of contact persons are not stored.


The origin of the data lies in existing customer contacts, recommendations from customers as well as from incoming e-mails, telephone calls and fax enquiries for IBIS GmbH products. The existing data is not passed on to third parties.

External data processing (commissioned processing) according to Art. 28 DSGVO and §11 BDSG

External data processing takes place in the context of payroll accounting, bookkeeping and the preparation of balance sheets. The commissioned tax advisor guarantees compliance with the GDPR.

BDSG § 57 + Art. 15 DSGVO Right to information

The controller shall provide data subjects, upon request, with information on whether it processes data concerned. Data subjects also have the right to obtain information about


1. the personal data which are the subject of the processing and the category to which they belong,

2. the available information on the origin of the data,

3. the purposes of the processing and its legal basis,

4. the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data have been disclosed, in particular in the case of recipients in third countries or international organisations,

5. the retention period applicable to the data or, if this is not possible, the criteria for determining that period,

6. the existence of a right to rectification, erasure or restriction of processing of the data by the data controller,

7. the right under section 60 to appeal to the Federal Commissioner, and

8. information on how to reach the federal commissioner.


IBIS GmbH will provide a corresponding form on the right to information upon request.

Supervisory authority for data processing by non-public bodies

The Hessian Data Protection Commissioner


Service building:
Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 1
2nd upper floor
65189 Wiesbaden


Reporting obligation according to § 4 d, e BDSG


Postal address:
PO Box 3163
65021 Wiesbaden


Phone: (0611) 1408-0
(Available by telephone Mon. - Thurs. 08:30 hrs to 12:00 hrs; 13:00 hrs - 16:00 hrs. Fr: 08:30 h - 12:00 h) Fax: (0611) 1408-611



The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information


Anyone can contact the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information if they believe that their rights have been violated in the collection, processing or use of their personal data by federal public bodies. Likewise, you can contact us if you would like support in the area of freedom of information.


Postal address:

The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information

Husarenstr. 30

53117 Bonn


Phone +49 (0)228-997799-0

Fax +49 (0)228-997799-5550

E-mail poststelle@bfdi.bund.de


The BfDI head office is open Monday to Thursday from 8:30 - 12:00 and from 12:45 - 16:45, and on Friday from 8:30 - 12:00 and from 12:45 - 15:15.

EU dispute resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR):


You can find our e-mail address in the imprint above.

Consumer Dispute Resolution/Universal Arbitration Board

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Picture credits



© Google Material Icons


Questions & Support illustration:

© pch.vector - freepik.com (2023)


Error 404 graphic:

© pikisuperstar - freepik.com (2023)


The copyright for all other photos is held by IBIS GmbH / Hofmann-Global Group.
